From Bouzov to the Underground II - Tourist Information Portal of the Olomouc Region

From Bouzov to the Underground II

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Discover the treasures hidden underground - visit the Javoříč and Mladeč caves.

We will start our trip in the village of Bouzov, whose dominant feature is undoubtedly the majestic Bouzov Castle. From Bouzov we will take the cycle route No. 512 through Podolí and Hrabí to Bílá Lhota, where we recommend a visit to the local arboretum. From Bílá Lhota by road (we have to go around the Třesín Nature Park and there is no other way than by road) to Mladec, where we can go underground for the first time to the Maldeč Caves, which are among the archaeological sites of world importance. From Mladec we will take the cycle route No. 6033 through Sobáčov past the ponds where you can have a snack, through Chudobín, which is famous for its three churches, each of which is dedicated to a different church, through Haňovice and Myslechovice to Cholina. In Cholina there is the Haná Museum, where you can learn about the region you are in - Haná. In Cholina, we turn onto cycle route No. 6245, which will lead us to Loučka, where we will join cycle route No. 6025, which will take us via Slavětín and Střemeníčko to Javoříčko and here we can descend to the underground for the second time. The local Javoříč caves are distinguished by their beautiful karst decoration. Unfortunately, Javoříčko was also sadly written into history at the end of World War II - the burning of the village by the Nazis is commemorated by a memorial and an exposition. From Javoříčko we will continue along the cycle route No. 6025 back to Bouzov.

Route information

Route type:
cycling route
38.1 km
452 m
452 m
Highest point:
482 m. a. s. l.
Lowest point:
237 m. a. s. l.

Height profile